
Monday 23 April 2018

Audi A6 ready to fight E-Class and 5 Series!

Here is another famous car brand - Audi! Take a look at the new Audi A6 (2019)!

Monday 16 April 2018

Intro about ZX AUTO!

Hey there! Today I will introduce you one not so popular, but promising brand - ZX Auto!

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Zenos E10S Test Drive, Tour and Impressions!

Hi there, car lovers! I present to you this new beast - Zenos E10S! Watch what it is capable of!

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Off-road Truck ZIL-131 Extreme Test Drive!

GoodDay! I will present you a beast from the ZIL Truck company! This is ZIL-131 6x6! Watch the amazing extreme test drive with this truck, full of wood!